About the Potters

Jo Rollason
Jo has a BA (Hons) in Ceramics from the West Surrey College of Art & Design. Having graduated in 1991, she has remained working with clay ever since, alongside working as a florist.
I produce a range of domestic ware, predominately table ware, such as mugs, bowls, plates and jugs. I also produce some more decorative pieces, including clocks and lamps.
My work is decorated using a number of different coloured stoneware glazes, and are fired in a gas kiln to 1280°C. I fire in both oxidation and reduction, which can give different results from the same glazes. I love to experiment and create new glazes, and enjoy the variety of colours that can be obtained.

Mark Judd-Cooper
Mark has a BA (Hons) in Ceramics from the West Surrey College of Art & Design.
I create sculptural vessels which are inspired by the natural world and our experiences within it. I am fascinated by the dynamics of spirals, how these appear in nature, decay and corrosion both in the organic and man-made world.
I use a variety of making processes for building and developing the form of the vessels and their surfaces. I strongly believe in the human contact of the clay, and like to leave an impression of how it's made. I have developed an inner spiral shell which is further used to increase the qualities of corrosion and decay. I also use terra-sigillata slip which I use to simulate the qualities of peeling and ageing.
I have an interest in the fragility of life, and the psychological and physical decay to which we are all vulnerable.
My pieces are glazed and fired multiple times to enrich and to develop the surface qualities.